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100G QSFP28

100G QSFP28 LR4 20KM

Compliant with the QSFP28 MSA Technical Specifications.
Supports operation for a data rate of 103.1Gb/s.
Maximum link length of 10km on Single Mode Fiber (SMF).
Optical specifications are compliant with IEEE802.3ba 100GBASE-LR4.
Low speed electrical signal is compliant with SFF-8679.
High speed electrical signal is compliant with 802.3bm CAUI-4.
Digital diagnostic functions are available via the I2C interface, as specified by SFF-8636.
4x25Gb/s DFB-based LAN-WDM transmitter with central wavelengths of 4channels 1295.56, 1300.05, 1304.58 and 1309.14 nm.
Duplex LC receptacles.
Power Dissipation < 4.0W
  • 优索思100G QSFP28 LR4是一款4x25G LWDM单模热插拔光收发模块。公司微光学技术能够将 4 个发射和4 个接收器和一个光无源MUX/DeMUX 集成到一个小尺寸封装中,在紧凑的 QSFP28 封装中提供高达 112Gbps 的数据链路。光学连接基于两个单模光纤 (SMF) LC 连接器,一个用于 Tx,一个用于 Rx。 Tx 和 Rx 各包含 4x25GB/s LAN-WDM 通道,专为可达 20KM 的应用而设计。
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